1007 Mansell Rd. Ste. A
Roswell, GA 30076
Tel 678-290-1500 / 1-800-801-9080
Fax 800-921-4823


Sales Representative:
Phone Number:
Business Name DBA Business Hours Business Phone
Business Address City State ZIP
Business Fax Email address Manager name Phone
Owner Name Owner Phone Driver Lic SSN
Administrator User Password Other user Password

Note: Agent is responsible for all charges made using their log-in information. Agent Agrees to keep all customer information confidential. Agent agreed to allow AmeriMex Communications Corp. to charge their Credit Card or Debit Card or draft the following bank accounts for payment of money due AmeriMex. Nota: El Agente es responsable de todos los cargos realizados al utilizar los usuarios de acceso a su cuenta. El Agente esta de acuerdo en mantener la información del cliente confidencial. El Agente autoriza a AmeriMex Communications Corp. para realizar cargos a su tarjeta de crédito, débito ó realizar retiros del banco a continuación nombrado por pagos debidos a AmeriMex.

Credit Card

Credit Card Type:
Credit Card Number:
Expiration Date
Name as appear on the card:

Bank Account Information

Bank Name: Routing Number:
Name on Bank Account: Account Number:

Terms & Conditions

1- We will draft your account or charge your credit / debit card once a week.
2. If you Have any questions please contact us to 678-290-1500/800-801-9080 e-mail at billing@amerimex.com
State Sales Tax Registration Number __________

I am registered for sales and use tax purposes in the state of _______ and am purchasing these services for resale. By providing my sales tax registration number above and signing below, I assume full responsibility for any sales taxes, use taxes, or 911 fees due on my sales of all services sold as part of this agreement.

I authorize AmeriMex Communications Corp to verify my credit history and conduct a background check.
Name: ________________________ Signature: __________________________ Date: ______/_______/_______
AmeriMex keeps all agent information confidential and agrees not to disclose any agent information to an outside party.